Caravane Scientifique – 2e édition

Caravane Scientifique – 2e édition avec la Fondation Omar Ibn Abdelaziz !

LA FOIA continue son roadtrip et c’est à l’école El Massira à Berkane que l’association a choisi de faire une halte scientifique, ce dimanche 15 février 2015.

Organisée en association avec ADF, cette édition fut divisée en 6 ateliers, auxquels ont assisté plus de 80 élèves. Ateliers sur la mémoire, le ciment, la lumière, l’air, les découvertes scientifiques au Maroc et enfin l’histoire du troc, la matinée fut chargée en connaissances et expériences.

caravane mix

Il est toujours très émouvant de constater la soif d’apprentissage et la curiosité insatiable des enfants, avides de nouveautés et de découverte. C’est aussi une leçon de vie que d’observer les étudiants de la FOIA s’adonner à la transmission de leur connaissance, avec humilité, patience et passion.

ADF a tenu un atelier autour de l’air, et nous avons ainsi construit avec les enfants une fontaine actionnée au ballon de baudruche (faite en bouteille plastique recyclée) ainsi qu’un aéroglisseur construit avec des CDs et bouchons de bouteille recyclés !

Cette expérience nous fait définitivement nous demander qui, de l’animateur ou de l’enfant, ressort le plus grandi de ces rencontres.

Merci à la Fondation Omar Ibn Addelaziz !

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Islamic Arts Festival ‘Art & Science’ in Sharjah

La 17è Edition du Islamic Arts Festival a ouvert ses portes le 17 décembre 2014 à Sharjah, Emirats arabes unis. Durant un mois, l’Islamic Arts Festival a créé une vibrante scène artistique venue d’est et d’ouest (26 pays présents). Cette année, c’est sous le thème « Art & Sciences » qu’ont été exposées plus de 513 œuvres, soit 199 artistes. ADF y a exposé 36 tapis tissés en sacs plastique recyclés aux côtés des structures du cabinet d’architecture Aziza Chaouni Projects

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La Caravane Scientifique avec la FOIA

La Caravane Scientifique avec la Fondation Omar Ibn Abdelaziz!

Dimanche 7 décembre, 85 enfants étaient réunis à l’école de Chouihiya pour assister à La Caravane Scientifique organisée par la FOIA d’Oujda en collaboration avec l’Association du Docteur Fatiha. Surexcités, toute la troupe est arrivée avec deux heures d’avance, soit 7h du matin.


La Caravane Scientifique, ce sont 4 ateliers organisés autour de La Lumière, l’eau, le numérique et l’histoire.

Ce dimanche, ont été abordés, durant des ateliers de 40 minutes par groupe, plusieurs thématiques :

La lumière: Jeu pour comprendre le concept de la vitesse de la lumière, expériences sur la diffraction de la lumière et des couleurs.

L’eau, son cycle, et pleins d’expériences autour de la non-solvabilité de l’huile dans l’eau Numériquement Vôtre :atelier créé initialement par l’espace sciences, exposition itinérante L’histoire de la monnaie : Découverte de l’histoire de la monnaie avec le visionnage d’un petit film et des descriptions interactives du troc et de l’apparition de la monnaie.

caravane1 caravane2 caravane3


Cette première édition s’est clôturée dans la joie et la curiosité stimulée pour un prochain atelier début 2015. Un grand bravo et merci à la Fondation Omar Ibn Abdelaziz et leur superbe projet de Caravane Scientifique dans l’Oriental.   Nous avons tous hâte de participer à la prochaine édition! A bientôt!

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Exposition Féminin Pluriel #1


Le vendredi 31 octobre a eu lieu le vernissage de “L’espace physique et mental des femmes”, un superbe événement organisé par le collectif artistique Morocco experience & projects, le département graphique et média design de l’ESAV et la fondation Dar Bellarj,

Danse, musique, thé à la menthe, débat et rencontres ont orchestré la soirée sous le ciel tissé de l’artiste Brigitte Perkins.













ADF/IFASSEN a ainsi exposé sa porte tissée aux côtés des 36 artistes venues du monde entier.

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Durant 6 mois, l’exposition Féminin Pluriel organise de nombreux ateliers et événements, pour une exposition en mouvement !

Du 31 octobre 2014 au 30 avril 2015 – Fondation Dar Bellarj – Marrakech


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Exposition Paris-Marrakech-Ubatuba à Paris

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ADF/IFASSEN a eu l’opportunité samedi 25 octobre de venir proposer aux côtés d’Antoine Husser, photographe, Salemomo, peintre sur planche de bois, et Guillaume Blot présentant son GIF art, un voyage d’une après-midi.

Les peintures, photographies, GIF et produits IFASSEN ont investi le PMU de la rue du Faubourg Saint Denis, se réappropriant l’espace afin de métamorphoser le bar en un lieu de rencontre autour du voyage.

En fin d’après-midi, le voyage s’est clos par un débat avec l’association l’Alternative Urbaine et IFASSEN (podcast bientôt disponible), sur fond de Space Drums joué par Quentin.

Qu’il est bon de se perdre tous ensemble 


Peintures sur planches de bois – Salemomo >>>

Photos de Voyage – Antoine Husser >>>

Trains Gifs Vitres. – Guillaume Blot >>>

Accessoires de mode recyclés – IFASSEN >>>

Expo Paris Marrakech Ubatuba


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ADF aux journées portes ouvertes de l’Institut Français d’Oujda

IMG_0080 A l’occasion de la rentrée, l’Institut Français d’Oujda ouvrait ses portes pour présenter ses activités, ses installations et sa programmation culturelle riche et prometteuse. L’occasion pour plusieurs associations de venir se présenter au grand public, dont l’ANAP pour les randonnées dans l’Oriental, SAFAA qui fait un travail exceptionnel pour les handicapés mentaux, et ADF.



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Journée Nettoyage et Sensibilisation – Souk Feriad – Berkane


Mercredi 17 septembre, l’Association des Commerçants de Berkane, la société de nettoyage Averda et ADF se sont mobilisés pour une journée de nettoyage du Souk Feriad. Des emplacements de marchands laissés à l’abandon ont été dégagés et réhabilités. Passé au peigne fin, chaque recoin du souk a été soumis aux balais de la fine équipe d’Averda, présents sur les lieux depuis 6h du matin.

En fin de matinée, ADF a organisé une session de sensibilisation à l’usage excessif des sacs plastiques et à la protection de l’environnement de Berkane.


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Le plastique se glisse sous vos pieds…

tapis pied

… mais aussi sur vos chaises et banquettes ! ADF a développé ses tapis en sacs plastiques recyclés et tissés par les doigts de fée des artisanes de Berkane. Un tapis d’un petit mètre carré, c’est une centaine de sacs plastiques recyclés à préparer en bandelettes et plus de 20 heures de tissage… Un sacré boulot. Mais quel résultat ! Tissage en damier, diagonal, zigzag, carré… Les possibilités sont vastes et les couleurs selon les sacs recyclés : bleu, rouge, marron, vert, violet et blanc.

Tous les tapis sont faits sur mesure : pour toute commande ou information,

tapis2           tapis3            tapis1

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Du nouveau !


Il se trame quelque chose chez IFASSEN …

A venir, une gamme de décoration d’intérieur ! IFASSEN investit votre intérieur en développant de nouveaux objets, toujours tissés de sacs plastiques par le merveilleux travail des artisanes. Corbeilles, guirlandes, abat-jour … Nous sommes en pleine préparation d’une collection qui verra le jour à la rentrée. Soyez prêts ! 

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IFASSEN à la 8ème Edition du Festival Rabat Africa !

Huitième Edition du Festival Rabat Africa organisé par la Fondation Orient Occident, du 17 au 21 juin 2014
Pour promouvoir la tolérance dans un cadre festif de partage et d’ouverture culturelle, Rabat Africa met l’Afrique à l’honneur. Les produits IFASSEN étaient exposés lors du défilé organisé par la Fondation Orient-Occident, pour accessoiriser les créations de Migrants du Monde, la coopérative de couture et de broderie de la Fondation. Nos ceintures, bandeaux et sacs ont rehaussé les boubous, tuniques, chamirs et robes cousus et brodés par les migrantes et marocaines en situation précaire de Rabat.
Ethique et féminines, des créations pour les femmes qui soutiennent les femmes.

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Retour sur les Clean Up Days !

Quel succès !

Jeudi 24, vendredi 25 et samedi 26, ADF a organisé les Clean Up Days à Berkane : 3 jours de campagnes de nettoyage et de sensibilisation à l’environnement dans la ville, afin d’initier la population au développement durable.

P1030010Jeudi, notre équipe accompagnée du Croisant Rouge Marocain et d’Averda, s’est rendue dans le quartier Boudihla, un des plus pauvres de Berkane. Une fois la tente montée, les enfants du quartier se sont prêtés au jeu de la campagne de nettoyage. Plus d’une centaine de sacs plastiques de 100L ont rapidement été remplis de déchets ! Plus propre, le quartier était méconnaissable. L’après-midi, les enfants se sont rassemblés autour des ateliers de recyclage animés par Sabah Ouali et Jamaa Ouezhir, tandis que leurs parents ont écouté attentivement les conseils du Croissant Rouge Marocain, qui a profité de l’occasion pour mener une campagne de dépistage de l’hyper-tension.

IMG_6936Vendredi, nous avions donné rendez-vous sur le boulevard Palestine. De nombreuses personnes sont venues à notre rencontre, pour discuter de la protection de l’environnement et rencontrer nos équipes. Accompagnée d’Averda, toute l’équipe a nettoyé le quartier Andalous et a collecté les nombreux déchets qui jonchaient les rues. Le Maire de Berkane est venu participer à notre opération en plantant symboliquement un arbre près du quartier de Douar el Mika

Samedi, l’opération Clean Up Days s’est clôturée en grande pompe dans le quartier de Douar el Mika. Le gouverneur de la province de Berkane est venu discuter avec nous des problèmes liés à la pollution de ce quartier et de la pauvreté qui en découle, et s’est engagé à agir en faveur d’un quartier plus propre. Encore une fois, les enfants ont participé en nombre à la campagne de nettoyage, ravis de pouvoir faire une bonne action pour leur quartier. Les associations Zellaka, Zahart Arrabii et Chabab ont animé des jeux pour les enfants durant l’après midi, et la journée s’est terminée par la remise d’un diplôme à tous les participants de cette grande campagne de nettoyage !


Un bilan plus que positif pour cette première édition des Clean Up Days à Berkane !

Merci à tous les bénévoles d’ADF et aux associations partenaires, et en particulier le Croissant Rouge Marocain !

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Les Clean Up Days à Berkane : 3 jours pour tout nettoyer !

Logo clean Up Days   ADF organise les Jeudi 24, vendredi 25 et samedi 26 avril 2014 les Clean Up Days à Berkane !   Le Clean Up Day est une initiative lancée en 2008 en Estonie, organisé par le mouvement Let’s Do It. Plus de 50 000 personnes se sont rassemblés pour nettoyer pendant toute une journée le pays, et ramasser plus de 10 000 tonnes de déchets. Aujourd’hui, 111 pays organisent des journées similaires, et plus de 9 millions de volontaires ont participé à ces campagnes de nettoyage, pour lutter contre les décharges sauvages. Motivé par cet exemple, l’Association du Docteur Fatiha organise les 24, 25 et 26 avril prochain trois campagnes de nettoyage dans Berkane : –            Le 24 avril dans le quartier Bouhdila –            Le 25 avril dans le quartier Palestine –            Le 26 avril dans le quartier de Douar el Mika – Zellaka Durant ces 3 journées, l’équipe de l’Association du Docteur Fatiha et des autres associations partenaires iront à la rencontre de la population pour sensibiliser les citadins présents aux enjeux de la protection de l’environnement. Pour ADF, il s’agira aussi d’informer les populations sur l’impact des déchets, notamment plastiques, sur la nature, et, par extension, sur l’Homme.  ADF animera des ateliers de recyclage à destination des enfants et de la population, pour leur apprendre mille et une façons de réutiliser leurs déchets.   Le nettoyage se fera en musique et dans la bonne humeur ! L’entreprise de nettoyage AVERDA, qui s’occupe déjà du ramassage des déchets à Berkane, accompagnera les bénévoles dans leur mission et nous aidera à nettoyer les 3 quartiers. Des gants et des T-shirts seront prêtés à tous les habitants qui participent à la campagne. Tous ensemble, les habitants de Berkane peuvent agir pour la protection de la nature et un environnement propre ! VENEZ NOMBREUX ! L’Association du Docteur Fatiha organise ces manifestations en partenariat avec l’association Zahra Arrabii, le Croissant Rouge Marocain, la Municipalité de Berkane, Averda et l’Agence de l’Oriental.Campagne de nettoyage Tahtaha 2 - Crédit

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Come visit us !


Next Saturday, ADF team will run a stand in the French Insitute Open Day. A great occasion to meet us and discover our projects and IFASSEN ethical fashion items.

Mehdi Achour, ADF Director General in Morocco, Maud Laurencin, Development Manager and Elise Vanweydeveldt, Communications Manager, will be there from 10am to 6pm to tell you more about our green and ethical economy project in Eastern Morocco.

On this occasion, a collecting box will be installed to bring ADF’s craftswomen new discarded plastic bags!

Let’s meet in the French Institute (3 street Berkane, in Oujda) on the 5th of October 2013 !



Bannière cycle recyclage pour internet (RGB) BD

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ADF and IFASSEN, its ethical and ecological brand, may win the 1000 pioneers Price!

Newmanity, Shamengo and LHForum created the 1000 pioneers Price, in order to highlight the work of entrepreneurs and inventors of all kinds.

The Association du Docteur Fatiha decided to apply with IFASSEN, its ethical and ecological brand, made out of discarded plastic bags

To win the Audience Price, everybody can vote for the project of his choice, until the middle of November. ADF is counting on each of you to spread the word and vote to support the work that has been done in Eastern Morocco.

Voting is very quick ; after clicking on this link, you’ll have to give your first name, last name and email, for your vote to be taken into account.

Thank you !


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Holidays, waste, awareness-raising actions

The Association du Docteur Fatiha finishes the summer holidays on a high note, with 2 new awareness-raising actions this week.

One took part this very morning, in the Holidays Camp for teachers in Saidia. Sabah Ouali met about 50 people, from all ages, to present them our actions, and catch their attention on people’s look at waste.

Everybody enjoyed this morning of talkings, exchanges and games.


Tomorrow, ADF will be once again on the beaches around Moulouya’s mouth. Numerous families will be there, making the most of their last resting days.

In the next weeks, as soon as the children will be back to school, ADF will start this new year’s environmental education. Dedicated to children aged from 10 up to 12 years-old, new environmental-focused activities and games are to foresse ! New schools will join the program by the beginning of 2014.

Do not forget: ADF is looking for new volunteers who would like to spread the word about environmental issues and solutions. It can be either recurring or temporary. To join our dynamic team and attend to the September training, write to

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2M interview colonie de Tafoghalt

This morning, the Association du Docteur Fatiha met 2M, the Moroccan national channel, while leading an awareness-raising campaign with children and young people.

You will soon see this report on TV, focusing on our activities with the summer camp in Tafoghalt. As soon as we know more about the exact broadcast time and day, we will tell you. [Sunday, 18th, evening news report]. So keep connected on our facebook page.

Two sensitization days were planned dedicated to the global waste issue.

This morning, Sabah Ouali presented our actions before the children to put on ADF’s tee-shirts and gloves to clean up the next wood. All in all, 1 200 liters of waste were collected !

a groupe

a enfant Tafoghalt

91 children aged from 8 to 15

took part in our activities on the 16th and the 17th  

The families of Tafoghalt and Berkane go quite often to Tafoghalt forests to have lunch. As a consequence, there were quite a lot to do! What was most picked up? Tuna tins, cans, milk bags, plastic bottles, even dippers, shoes, blankets and plastic bags of course !

a deux jeunes

ADF has got plenty of ideas to reuse garbage ; first plastic bags which can be turned into fashion accessories (, but we also transform plastic bottles into pencils holders, or juce cartons into wallets.

Tomorrow, the young Oujdis will make their own. A great opportunity for them to have a new look at “waste”.

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Cleaning Zegzel up

Sabah et la vue sur Zegzel


All the region’s inhabitants know the place : the Camel Cave. It’s the perfect place for a picnic, in the middle of the mountains.

In the core of the Beni Snassen uplands, the cave looks out over the valley of Oued Farrouj, tributary to Oued Zegzel. Considered as a haven of piece and of beauty for its quietness, its landscapes and its fruit trees, there nonetheless a cloud on the horizon : waste.

Now the summer has arrived, it became very difficult to find a small place spared by garbage and plastic waste.


Last 13th of June, ADF decided to act, in order to improve the situation. While explaining to people the importance of protecting nature and this very natural site, a cleaning campaign was led.

With Peace Corps and volunteers from the Youth Center el Majd, from Berkane, the cleaning was efficient. All in all, 18 100-liters bags were filled with garbage. The wonderful site is now free from them. It can now go on being an unavoidable place for leisure in the region.

Groupe Zegzel BD

Thanks to the whole team for this great job !

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ADF funds the craftswomen children scolarship

ADF is proud to annonce you the creation of a fund to cover the scolarship fees of our crafstwomen’s children.

Thanks to the great help from a Moroccan living abroad, who does not wish to be quoted, the association will fund the fees related to the scolarship of 10 children. In 2013, 3 boys and 7 girls will also benefit from this fund. The administrative costs linked to their scolarship, the supplies and required outfits will be paid by ADF. Visual examination and glasses fees were also taken into account for Amina Tarifit, 9 years-old to attend her lessons in the best conditions.

Dons de fournitures

This action falls within ADF wish to support education. Recently, thanks to the gifts made by printers and supplies sellers, ADF could deal notebooks and pens to the pupils of Chouihiya school that needed most.

Thank you all ! Without you, none of those actions would be possible.

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Another point of view on environment

In may 2013, ADF  set up in Berkane a cartoon workshop, focusing on the plastic bags issue. 17 young people could take part in this chance to give their impression on the environmental situation of their hometown.

1st session: contextualization

Emmanuelle Pannetier, Environmental Education Manager for ADF and Elise Vanweydeveldt, Communications Manager, went to Ibn Rochd Secondary School to meet the budding artists, aged 5 to 13.

The young people learnt how much time it took for a plastic bag to desintegrate into the soil. After having talked about the association’s solution to plastic pollution, the debate could begin.

Banderole sacs


2nd session: let’s draw! 

Jean-Michel Vanweydeveldt, graphic designer and cartoonist in the North of France, hosted the workshop. He is used to that: he organized some with schools and specialized centers in his region. But Morocco was a first.

The kids began to imagine a scenario. If the theme was set (plastic pollution), they did not lack ideas to turn it their way.

1 - 1ère séance dessins préparatoires scénario (26)

Their plot: a plastic monster attacks Berkane, the Clementine’s capital! They choose to make ADF intervene and help them struggle against the giant. The first sketches were drawn during this 2.5 hours session. How to draw a plastic bag monster? And a city? Not very easy at first sight…

3rd session: drawing techniques and hard working

The cartoonist had worked on his side, to gather the kids’ ideas into a 2-pages cartoon. The young people then had to realize the final drawings.

First with a drawing pencil, then with a thin black felt pen, they had lots to do! The bullets were not filled: the texts was added on computer, so that we could have both an Arabic and French version.

3 - 2ème séance dessins finaux et contours (15)


4th session: coloring plastic bags

5 - colorisation (7)

The last session took part without the cartoonist, who had come back to his grey France. The young Moroccans added the color to their drawings on computer. It was not easy to agree on which color to choose on the 4 different parts of the cartoon!

All in all, 10 hours were necessary to create those 2 pages. But the result is worth it.

We are sorry, the cartoon is only available in Arabic and French.

3 - 2ème séance dessins finaux et contours

Thanks to everyone for this special workshop!

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5000$ for ADF to transform the neighborhood of plastic into a neighborhood of dreams

Presentation Movie Dar al AmalVideo Dar al Amal

“Don’t tell me one single woman can’t change the world. If I had thought so, nothing would, indeed, have changed.” Faiza Hajji, Founder of ADF

Those are the words of Faiza Hajji, the driving force behind the Association du Docteur Fatiha (ADF). Faiza launched ADF in 2008 to bring sustainable development to her region while fostering women’s empowerment.

Today, more than 60 rural women receive a regular income thanks to ADF’s programs, more than 1.000 children have met ADF teams and were sensitized about environmental protection. This enabled ADF to collect and reuse more than 25.000 plastic bags, since its creation.

For Faiza, this is just the beginning. What’s next for ADF has never been done before in Morocco: Transform the impoverished community of “Douar el Mika–” the “neighborhood of plastic bags–” into the site of an innovative mega-center dedicated to spurring a local green economy. The project is called “Dar al Amal,” which means House of Hope in Arabic and is slated to be a beacon of hope in any area where many people feel their options are limited.

“Douar el Mika is one of the poorest areas in Berkane. Full of young people feeling angry about being born in a place that left them so little choice about their future. They have this special energy that makes for great change-makers. We simply need to give them a chance.”

[See the plans of Dar al Amal here]

Dar al Amal will:

  • Create jobs in a region where the unemployment rate may reach 19,6%

  • Host and train young Moroccan entrepreneurs dedicated to sustainable development and social change through its young entrepreneur incubator program

  • Lead research efforts to develop innovative income-generating activities for impoverished rural women and generate fresh ideas to address ecological issues of the region

  • Provide impoverished populations with a free access to cultural events and learning opportunities organized in a new community center and library

  • Offer a safe and healthy environment for local population to live and work

  • Foster women’s empowerment through professional trainings and literacy courses

  • Develop and pilot new income-generating activities, based on waste reuse

  • Be a self-sustaining model of a smart, green, eco-friendly, traditional, and inexpensive architecture

Why we need $5,000?

Thanks to our generous institutional backer, Legallais Foundation, ADF has been able to launch the feasibility study with the award-winning Moroccan-Canadian architect Aziza Chaouni, who specializes in green and sustainable architecture.

ADF is now ready to move into the materials research phase of this project. Our goal is to not only build Morocco’s first center for the environment and green jobs, but to also build a center that models environmental responsibility in the use of its building materials. Our goal is to build Dar al Amal completely from local and/or recycled materials that showcases traditional Moroccan architecture. This is fundamental as we want the center to be built with local and/or recycled materials. With your help, we can complete our research phase of materials that will ensure that Dar al Amal is built with the most effective, efficient, and energetically passive materials.

One woman has changed her community. Imagine what a crowd could do?

ADF dedicates this project and works tirelessly for all of the dynamic young people who can’t find a job and who want to build a better future for themselves; for all of the impoverished young people who have ambition but no means to envision a different future from their parents’. For every man and woman willing to contribute to the improvement of their life and their environment, or willing to act for their community, we stand united and ready to create change with you.

We thank you for joining us to put in place the foundation stone to a center, The House of Hope, that will give young people the opportunity to explore their dreams and potential, interrupt the intergenerational cycle of poverty, and set the standard for a green economy in Morocco. With you standing by us in support, we know that we can transform the neighborhood of plastic into a neighborhood of dreams.


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Children & storks

This week-end, to celebrate World Migratory Bird Day, ADF invited children to observe Berkane’s white storks.

Observation des cigognes

An important group has chosen to settle in the core of the city, to build its nests and raise its babies. The association APROCIB, chaired by Mr Chemlali organized this event together with ADF. 5 children from eco-families wanted to join. 7 others who were just passing-by also stopped, together with grown-ups attracted by the formed group. Equiped with binoculars, they could observe the storks, busy to feed their new-borns. Indeed, there’s work to do: a baby-stork remain about 2 months in the nest, and need about 5 000 mice to grow up !


Thanks to its geographical situation, Morocco shelters 2 white stork populations:

  1. A wintering ont coming from Europe, via Gibraltar strait
  2. A breeding population, from Africa, whose evolution is alarming

Men and their activities put more and more at risk those places, directly or not.  It becomes urgent to protect the natural spaces that storks choose to make a break in their long journey. Their survival depends on how we manage to protect every stop on their path, which provide them with food, rest and nests.

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Eco-families ? 

They are families of Berkane who decided to contribute actively to our activities. They collect plastic bags at home and from acquaintances for our craftswomen to get the required materials to produce fashion accessories.

Today, ADF already collects plastic bags in 6 schools of the region, in several dry-cleaners and drugstores, and in more than 10 eco-families. We are actually working on the strenghening of our collecting network.  New schools and dry-cleaners will be joining the network by the end of June.


Collecting plastic bags is fundamental for ADF to provide carftswomen with the raw material they nee. ADF bring them the bags, once cleaned in its offices of the 81 rue Zehroun.

You’re from Berkane and also want to bring us plastic bags? Here are the collecting spots or come to visit our offices !

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Phase 1: ongoing!

The Association du Docteur Fatiha has been working on this for a while: Dar al Amal. Thanks to the support we got from Legallais Foundation, we can at least show you its content. 

ADF team in Morocco is buzzing. Legallais Foundation decided to support our brand-new project: building a big urban center, dedicated to a green and social economy. Named “Dar al Amal”, which means House of Hope in Arabic, the center will actively create green jobs and spread an ecological culture. Click here to know more about our project.


This corporate foundation, created in 2010, acts everyday to foster sustainable development and social responsibility. It was therefore delighted with our project and will fund its very 1st phase: feasibility study and drawings realization.

ADF launches the feasibility study

Mehdi Achour, General Director of ADF in Morocco and Elise Vanweydeveldt, Communications Manager, went to Fès on the 29th of April, to meet the architect team they are working with on this. Aziza Chaouni and Johann Petersmann could ask them plenty of questions about the way the center should be conceived. Built out of natural or recycled materials, the center aims at being a model of a smart, energetically efficient, environmental-friendly and cheap architecture.

Lancement étude faisabilitéAziza Chaouni, Mehdi Achour and Elise Vanweydeveldt

To put in place the foundation stone, we need you!

To help ADF fund Dar al Amal construction, we need every single one of you. To give young Berkanis a chance to commit themselves to their city and their community. To support women’s work and empowerment. To bring a global response to the environmental issues of the region, especially the proliferation of polluting waste. To give the will to build differently, more efficiently, more environment-friendly. To bring hope to a city that is falling asleep on its misery.

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To give 25$ or 1.000, connect to Girltank 

You can’t? Support our project differently, in sharing the information.

In the name of all those young people and women from Eastern Morocco, who need an open door, THANKS!

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4 facts to know about ADF

It’s time to take stock on ADF’s activities for the past few years.

125 000 plastic bags have been recycled

Plastic bags that have been collected and then cleaned

Plastic bags that have been collected and then cleaned

 2  4 cooperatives of impoverished women have been trained to our special weaving technique

This represents more than 100 rural women

Training in Chouihiya, Morocco

Training in Chouihiya, Morocco

3  350 children have been sensitized to environmental issues between January and May 2013

Cleaning campaign, Ibn Zaydoun

Cleaning campaign, Ibn Zaydoun

4  2 collections of fashion accessories have been designed

You want to buy one of our gorgeous handicraft bags? Check our e-shop

Banderole sacs

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Faiza Hajji’s profession of faith

Don’t tell me one single woman can’t change the world. If I had thought so, nothing would, indeed, have changed. But I never stopped believing that I could do something, with my own means, to improve the situation of my region of origins.

Picture this : an isolated Moroccan region and city, Berkane, where plastic bags follow the wind’s breaths and fly among people, cars and donkeys. When you live the city you are struck by the emptiness of its countryside…at first sight! Since, when you have a closer look, you notice that it is far away from being empty. You go on and meet so many people, shepherds, children, men… The time is like frozen : nothing moves, everybody waits. For what? A taxi to go to the city, a bus to go to school, or a little sun to warm up after a cold morning. Just waiting outside because nothing happens at home.

Vieil homme à Douar el Mika

Actually you don’t really see women outside. They take care of the kids and of the house, cooking, cleaning up, weaving… When you come to know them, you realize their life has nothing to do with yours. You were the lucky one : born in Berkane in a family where girl’s education and independence was fundamental. Most of rural women in Eastern Morocco can’t read nor write. They barely went to school.

That’s when I got an idea : teach them how to weave alpha, a local plant, together with recycled plastic bags. Once graduated, I created the Association du Docteur Fatiha (ADF), from the name of my deceased mom, to empower women and fight for environmental protection. We gather rural women in cooperatives: they become a group which is trained and receives literacy courses. To provide them with the raw materials they need (i.e. plastic bags), ADF establishes collecting spots in the city and organizes awareness-raising campaigns in schools of the region. In that way, two issues are addressed in a raw, which creates a sound virtuous circle. This is for what I’ve been doing since 2008.

Formation des artisanes à Chouihiya centre

Formation des artisanes à Chouihiya centre

Today, it’s time for the association to step up. I want to build an innovative center, dedicated to promoting a local and green economy. It will be a place where hope is possible. For all those graduated and dynamic young people who can’t find a job and change country to try building a better future for themselves. For all those impoverished young people who have ambition but no means to envision a different future from their parents’. For every man and woman willing to contribute to the improvement of their life and their environment, or willing to act for their community.

For all those great people who need a little help to kick off their project or take charge of their own future, I want to build this place.

Find out more about Faiza’s venture and invest in her vision: 

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Dar al Amal, urban center for young people and sustainable development in Berkane

The Association du Docteur Fatiha started its activities back in 2008. After only 5 years implementing its programs, ADF scales up. The project: build an urban center, dedicated to a green and social economy. 


Legallais Foundation decided to support our project and will fund the very 1st part of it: the case study and the drawings realization. With this first backer, the project can be launched!

Named “Dar al Amal”, which means House of Hope in Arabic, the center will actively create green jobs and spread an ecological culture.


Morocco and the Eastern region, have to deal with a major employment issue. Young people have troubles finding jobs, even when graduated. However, so many things can be put in place here. The environmental situation is alarming.

Our solution

Every single young person should be part of the improvement of his city or community. In Berkane, they lack a personal support for them to create and manage their project. ADF wishes to build the capacities of young people willing to act, especially those from impoverished background.

The green center will create direct jobs (from the construction, center staff) and indirect ones (young project initiators, women benefiting from revenue-generating activities).

The construction

A Eau

Dar al Amal will be built on a former landfill, set in the heart of an impoverished area, “Douar ell Mika” (the “neighborhood of plastic bags”).

This building will be a model of green architecture, in its construction but also in its management: energy savings, renewable energies, water management…

The architecture and materials from Berkane will be associated to sustainable and innovative construction methods, to international standards in eco-design. Recycled materials will be used as much as possible in the building, the design and interior furniture.

Using resources that can be considered as “waste” will pave the way to new building techniques, greener and more adapted to a sustainable development.

ADF wants to involve young people and local craftsmen in the center construction, for them to master new know-hows and to be able to transpose them.

The center’s ingredients

The building will be divided into several sectors, dedicated to specific activities:

•the meetings between involved populations;
•the support to young project initiators;
•cultural events on environmental issues;
•the research for good environmental-friendly practices;
•trainings to revenue-generating activities based on recycling processes;
•ecological leisure…

Plan Dar al Amal

1. Offices and incubator

to host young Moroccan entrepreneurs, acting for sustainable development and social and solidarity economy

2. Community Center, lab for green ideas

It will provide the populations with work spaces, a library, free internet access. ADF will lead research to develop revenue-generating activities (for impoverished rural women) and bring alternatives to ecological issues of the region, as plastic bags pollution. ADF will also organize plenty of events to raise-awareness among young generations to environmental issues (workshops, debates, movies castings, etc.).

3. Organic café

which will also serve as a sales area for our handicraft products

4. Bed and Breakfasts

to promote eco-tourism the region and host regular projects visitors (designers), or artists

5. Public child-care center

6. Park and educational vegetable garden

7. Administration

8. Housing for staff

Dar Al Amal will quickly become an unavoidable place for community service and for social and green economy in Berkane and in the whole region.

 It will also be a place where an alternative vision of leisure and environmental protection can be born.

To put in place the foundation stone, we need you!

To help ADF fund Dar al Amal construction, we need every single one of you. To give young Berkanis a chance to commit themselves to their city and their community. To support women’s work and empowerment. To bring a global response to the environmental issues of the region, especially the proliferation of polluting waste. To give the will to build differently, more efficiently, more environment-friendly. To bring hope to a city that is falling asleep on its misery.

logo GirltankTo give 25$ or 1.000, connect to Girltank

You can’t? Support our project differently, in sharing the information.

In the name of all those young people and women from Eastern Morocco, who need an open door, THANKS!

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A crowdfunding campaign for Dar al Amal

Today, it’s the kick-off of our first crowdfunding campaign.

You need everyone to share our informations and help us fund our ambitious project, which will revolutionize green and social entrepreneurship in Berkane and in Morocco !

Stay tuned and have a look at this :

Dar al Amal EN

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Plastic bags collecting spots

You’re living in Berkane or its surroundings and you want to be part of the cleaning-up of your region? Collect and bring your used plastic bags to our collecting spots (you can see the list below). Feel welcome to step-by at our offices ; we’ll be honored to show you what we are doing with your colored plastic bags !

1. Schools :

  • Schools in Berkane : Moulouya, Al Massira, Ibn Zaydoun, Imam Chatibi, Salmane el Farissi
  • Primary school in Chouihiya

2. Drugstores :

  • Ouartass, Bachir, Rigad

3. Dry-cleaners :

  • Moulouya, Andalous, Alif Lam, El Wafae

Collecting plastic bags is very fundamental for us to provide the women with raw materials. ADF cleans them and bring them to our craftswomen.

Thanks a lot !


 Carte des points de collecte - ADF

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Check out our new project !

Faiza Hajji and the Association du Docteur Fatiha launched a their new project to spread their outreach in Eastern Morocco.

How would you react, if we told you that it’s possible to combine organic cultivation, social and green entrepreneurship, eco-tourism and awaireness-raising campaigns to environmental issues? For sure, you’d support us !

Let’s have a look at our brand-new video, to check out this project !


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Olive trees for the schoolyard

On the 21st of March, to celebrate the International Day of  Forests, the Association du Docteur Fatiha went to Chouihiya for a tree-planting

In Chouihiya, the schoolyard is rather barren. Children don’t have so many shadow to protect them from the Moroccan sun. ADF decided to solve the problem.

18 olive trees ware planted in the schoolyard, with the children’s help

About 40 pupils helped us planting the young trees. Dispatched into small groups, they could take care of one tree fro A to Z.

For the cildren to better understand and take care of trees

This action took place in the framework of a larger awareness-raising campaign, that ADF leads in Eastern Morocco. Every month, our team visit 6 schools of the region to talk about environmental issues. Last month, it was about recycling. This time, Emmanuelle Pannetier, Project Manager, and Sabah Ouali, Local Coordinator, wanted to focus on forests. What can a tree be used for? What is it composed of? The motto was : a better comprehension for a better protection.

Dans la classe

The Association du Docteur Fatiha wants to thank Chouihiya’s teachers and principal for their help, as well as el Wafae nursery, in Zaio, who gave us the young trees.

More information :

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Eco-friendly gestures for children to take care of their environment

It is essential for ADF to involve new generations in the protection of their environment. As tomorrow’s adults and actors, they should know more about the impacts of  people on nature and how to guard it against deteriorations.

This is why the Association du Docteur Fatiha built meaningful partnerships with schools in Berkane and Chouihiya, both located in Eastern Morocco.

Emmanuelle Pannetier, in charge of the sensitization project here, on the field, and Sabah Ouali, local coordinator, met almost 700 children this month. Each intervention lasts at least 1.30 hours. On the menu : go into more depth on environmental pollution and the risks which are related to it, as well as detail simple gestures to preserve nature.

All those interventions went well : the pupils are always curious and willing to learn more about environmental protection. They will meet our team for other workshops organized in the following months. The next encounter will happen at the end of March, for a recycling activity. Nothing is more fundamental than involving children into the learning process, for them to better understand the impact of their gestures on their daily-life and environment.

A quote to illustrate our approach : “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” Benjamin Franklin

Know more : ADF also set up cleaning campaigns in Berkane’s schools. See the post.

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A new cooperative joins ADF’s recycling project

Confirmed by the success of its historical cooperatives, the Association du Docteur Fatiha wants to broaden its outreach. A new cooperative joined the project. Located in Chouihiya, a rural village 30 kilometers away from Berkane, the women who are part of it are being trained. 

If they want to get an extra-revenue, the women living in Moroccan countryside do not have so many choices. To improve their standard of living and their families, it is hard, not to say impossible, for them to find a job. Most of them are illiterate and geographically isolated. Their universe means their home.

That’s why they granted our project a warm welcome. At the end of December, 47 women subscripted to the free training organized by ADF. The purpose of this training: in about 15 sessions, learn how to weave a local plant (alpha) together with plastic bags and create fashion accessories like bags or wallets.

Formation des artisanes à Chouihiya centre
Craftswomen training in Chouihiya

Jamaa Ouezhir, Training and Recycling Techniques Manager for ADF, has already given 9 courses of about 2.30 hours. The women who knew how to weave alpha before they joined the project are now able to manufacture some of our accessories.

With this brand-new cooperative, ADF’s activities spread a little bit more in Eastern Morocco region. Our goal before 2014: find, contact and train 2 more women’s cooperatives, to bring them a decent job and help improving their life standards.

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The UN launches an e-debate on “The World We Want”

Millenium Development Goals

The UN launched this month a wide discussion, between citizens all over the world. This debate is the first step of a global consultation, to take stock on the MDG, the Millenium Development Goals, and  prepare post-2015.

An interactive platform was put in place, for everyone to tell his own story and experience, and argue for the future he wants. In short, bring his voice to the world-wide consultations.

On Twitter, the debates are already in full swing on @Environment2015

And you, what kind of world do you want to build?

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The Association du Docteur Fatiha organizes a cleaning campaign in Berkane

Pupils cleaning their school

During 2012, Marion Deballon, our local director, and Sabah Ouali, our local coordinator, made interventions in primary schools, like Imame Chatibi and Ibn Zaydoun, or in secondary schools, like Collège Al Qods.

Their purpose: raise awareness among the children and inspire them to protect their environment.

ADF is back in schools to reinforce its environment education. And it is made via games ! Next Tuesday (18th December 2012), they will be 48 pupils to take part in a cleaning campaign of their school.

After a presentation of our activities in Berkane, ADF teams and the children will clean the school, equiped with tee-shirts and gloves.

Every month, ADF’s team will organize activities in Berkane schools (recycling workshops, cleaning campaigns…) for children aged between 9 and 10.

By the end of the year they should have a better understanding of the connections between environmental protection and their quality of life. In Berkane, notably in “Douar el mika” (the plastic bags neighborhood), waste management is a very sensitive issue. It is thanks to the new generations that the situation may evolve in the future.


Those actions are incorporated with the framework of a larger objective : support sustainable development policies and projects, and back up women’s work, for them to improve their living conditions. 

The Association du Docteur Fatiha has been acting since 2008 in Eastern Morocco to favor :

For more information, do not hesitate to contact Emmanuelle Pannetier, in charge of this project for ADF.

Tél : +212 5 36 23 17 40

GSM : +212 6 15 66 99 52

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Decorate your home with ethical & design products !

In the framework of a partnership with the South Agency and the UNDP, the “Association du Docteur Fatiha” worked with more than 100 women from 7 different cooperatives in oasis of the Saharan Morocco. ADF helped them designing and marketing new palm tree weaving products.
We are very pleased to present you these wonderful tables, which can bring a design and hand-made touch to your interior decoration.

This table is made out of braided palm sheets assembled with a black wrought iron leg. Diameter 50cm. Sale price : 40€.

This table is made out of braided palm sheets assembled with a yellow wrought iron leg. Diameter 55cm. Sale price : 50€.

For more information about ADF’s partnership with the Southern cooperatives, click here.

If you want more information, do not hesitate to send a email to or phone her : +33 6 69 22 54 99.

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From March 22 to 25, let’s keep the water clean

Waste composed  from 60 to 90% of plastic which pollute waters, kill marine wildlife (fauna and flora) and the chemical components end up in human organism since we are at the top of the food chain.

To avoid this, we need to use more and more the 4Rs rule: reduce, reuse, recycle and recover. Meanwhile, there’s a lot of waste in our waters that we need to clean

Pour éviter cela, il faut utiliser la règle des 4R: refusons, réduisons, réutilisons et recyclons. En attendant, il y a beaucoup de déchets dans nos eaux qu’il faut nettoyer.

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