Green & Solidarity-based Economy


It’s in Berkane, North-East Morocco, that the project took shape. Still today, most of our actions take place in that region, also because ADF established its recycling center in one of Berkane’s districts.

The project was born back in 2006, from Faiza Hajji’s initiative. Her goal was to build the capacities of a small group of women that she knew, in her region of origins. Thanks to green income-generating activities, those women could escape a hand-to-mouth existence. 

The research phase led with this group made Faiza conceive an innovative weaving technique. Allying a traditional know-how together with recycled plastic bags, the process enables to create unique fashion and design items.

Paysage à Douar el MikaThe impact on environment

In Berkane the situation is alarming. Plastic bags are very often thrown in nature or burnt, which is dangerous for human health.

The weaving technique used by the women has a strong impact on environment protection, since about 50 bags are required to manufacture one fashion item.

Besides, the alpha, a plant which is also used in the prpduction of our articles, grows generously in the region. Therefore no harm is caused to the local ecosystem.


The project aims to create a virtuous circle, both green and based on a solidarity link between generations. 

  • Collecting spots were set up in schools, dry-cleaners and drugstores. Children, but also everyone, are invited to collect plastic bags at home and from their acquaintances.
  • Those bags are then gathered by ADF in its recycling center, for them to be meticulously cleaned.
Cleaned plastic bags

Cleaned plastic bags

  • The plastic bags can then be dealt to the craftswomen living in the countryside, for them to turn the bags into fashion accessories. ADF works actively with international designers for the conception of its models. Jamaa Ouezhir, our Training Manager and Products Developper, conceived and tested several items currently manufactured. A few women we work with also contributed to our latest collection.

The objects the cooperatives work on are sold abroad. This enables a better value-added, required for us to fund ADF’s actions in Morocco.



  • Training impoverished women
  • Designing fashion items from recycled plastic bags
  • Building capacities via literacy courses
  • Raising children awareness on environmental issues
  • Cleaning campaigns