The Association du Docteur Fatiha finishes the summer holidays on a high note, with 2 new awareness-raising actions this week.
One took part this very morning, in the Holidays Camp for teachers in Saidia. Sabah Ouali met about 50 people, from all ages, to present them our actions, and catch their attention on people’s look at waste.
Everybody enjoyed this morning of talkings, exchanges and games.
Tomorrow, ADF will be once again on the beaches around Moulouya’s mouth. Numerous families will be there, making the most of their last resting days.
In the next weeks, as soon as the children will be back to school, ADF will start this new year’s environmental education. Dedicated to children aged from 10 up to 12 years-old, new environmental-focused activities and games are to foresse ! New schools will join the program by the beginning of 2014.
Do not forget: ADF is looking for new volunteers who would like to spread the word about environmental issues and solutions. It can be either recurring or temporary. To join our dynamic team and attend to the September training, write to